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Mass action against malaria and the creation of malaria smart homes

USAID SBCA ● August 2022
What was the issue?
The S4P Group human-centered approach created an opportunity for innovation and quick thinking to ensure that an important aspect of the program design was not failed by the reality on the ground. In addition, our style of localized community interventions heightened the attractiveness of the activities, drawing in those who had initially been uninterested in previous malaria sensitization activities
What did S4P Group do?
The Malaria Spin-the-Wheel game was a hit in the communities. It was recommended for adoption by all malaria programs at health facilities and schools to ensure interactive and educative sessions.
Because large numbers were drawn to the drama and games, some districts used the opportunity to add on other services. Outreaches were organized, with test and treat stations for malaria, testing and counseling for HIV, and Covid-19 vaccination.
Reports show that there is an increase in service uptake in the health centers that serve the intervention sub-counties.
How did the S4P Group approach provide value?
With the help of district and sub-county officials, S4P Group teams identified community gatekeepers who have influence in their areas. They preached the Malaria message at their usual platforms like churches, mosques, burials, and other community events. They also engaged groups of men at the places their places of work or where they hang out to relax.
Music, Dance, and Drama groups were trained by S4P Group teams to create skits and songs on malaria prevention and control practices. The team ensured that the drama shows were tailored to each locale’s context.
The Malaria Spin-the-Wheel game attracted a lot of attention, with excitement about the prizes to be won. So did the football games, sack races, and water bottle races. Music jingles on Malaria were played continuously.
What is the impact?
The Malaria Spin-the-Wheel game was a hit in the communities. It was recommended for adoption by all malaria programs at health facilities and schools to ensure interactive and educative sessions.
Because large numbers were drawn to the drama and games, some districts used the opportunity to add on other services. Outreaches were organized, with test and treatment stations for malaria, testing, and counseling for HIV, and Covid-19 vaccination.
Reports show that there is an increase in service uptake in the health centers that serve the intervention sub-counties.