+256 772 630763
+256 703 630763
The Possibilities: Products, Pilots, Partnerships

Are you looking for communications strategies that are evidence based, client-centred, professionally developed, multi-channel, service linked, and efficiently monitored? The S4P Group team is ready to describe in detail how we have pulled off previous campaigns for our clients. There is a good reason why several of them, like the USAID agencies, are repeat customers. However, we are not a cookie-cutter factory. Our previous expertise is the foundation upon which we are able to create intricately customised strategies and communications products that fit the context in which your organisation’s programmes, services and products are delivered.
Is it difficult for you to conceptualise how your communication campaign will pan out? Are the cutting edge solutions we suggest a little out of your comfort zone? S4P Group will design strategies for you that include a piloting phase so that you can see what works and what works even better. Do not miss out on the chance to keep up with the rapidly evolving media and technology landscape. Test out our tools and cut through the clutter with the latest in the SBCC and marketing field.
Are you looking for a reliable partner to carry out large scale communications campaigns for clients with whom you have created valuable relationships and cannot risk disappointing? S4P Group has been a part of several successful consortiums, doing work with organisations like MAAD Advertising, Omnicom, LiveWorks, GoodFire, Kola Studios and WEKOnnect Group. We are reliable, experienced and driven by a passion to promote the use of SBCC strategies by a wider array of organisations.