+256 772 630763
+256 703 630763
The Strategies: SBCC Solutions that Work
Gone are the days when sporadic awareness-raising information, education, and communication (IEC) activities attempted to address the barriers to adoption of preventive and promotive practices related to behaviour change. The paradigm shift in recent years is towards strategic, evidence-based social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) strategies.
S4P Group creates evidence based, client-centred, professionally developed, multi-channel, service linked, and efficiently monitored cutting edge strategies that are intricately customised to the context in which your organisation’s programmes, services and products are delivered.
These are the ways in which we can serve your organisation.
Rapid formative assessments to generate a better perspective of behaviour change communication needs and challenges. | Data analysis and generation of insights from formative research and desk review. | Participatory design, co-creation and field testing of strategic communication and behaviour change messages and products. |
Development, implementation and evaluation of large-scale strategic communication campaigns. | Strategic use of social media and other smart technologies to boost reach and engagement as well as real-time feedback from campaigns. | Targeted and evidence based placement and dissemination of videos on buses that ply upcountry long distance routes, videos in health facilities, community group meetings, trading centres and videos in community video dens/halls. |
Eye catching promotions at bus stops, stages, and community halls, among others |